アメリカ分校 ティム・ホワイト先生の送別会 / A farewell party for Tim White

8月1日、アメリカ分校 MFWI から本学に派遣されていたティモシー・ホワイト先生の送別会がキャンパス近くの中華料理店・鴻福門で行われました。ホワイト先生は、2年間本学西宮キャンパスで教員を務め、今月アメリカに帰国します。



Afarewell party for Tim White was held at Kofukumon, a Chinese restaurant near campus, on August 1st. Visiting from MWU’s American campus (Mukogawa Fort Wright Institute [MFWI]), Tim has served two years in Nishinomiya. He is to return to the U. S. this month.

Throughout his time in the Department of English, Tim has actively participated in discussions to learn more  about and improve our school. On his return, he will be working to keep the link between our campuses vibrant and effective.

Though Tim will be greatly missed in Nishinomiya, we will work together toward fulfilling our shared goal of educating and empowering the students at MWU and MFWI!


(写真・三宅弘晃 文・川西慧)