What's New 第2回MEC交流会報告と新メンバーの募集 


MEC(Mukogawa English Community)は、2006年に結成された英語グローバル学科公認のボランティア団体です。新年度となり、新たな活動メンバーを募集するため、「MEC交流会」を行っています。学部・学科は問いません。 2024年4月26日(金)に第2回目のミーティングが開催され、12名の学生メンバーが出席しました。このミーティングでは、主に今後の活動計画についての意見交換が行われました。 (ミーティングで話し合われた具体的な内容については、以下の英文をご参照ください。)MEC交流会は、引き続き5月10日(金)の昼休みに、L2-33教室で行われます。SDGsや国際交流に興味のある武庫女生の皆さん、MECへの参加をお待ちしています。

On Friday, April 26th, the MEC meeting was held with 12 members in attendance. During the meeting, the student members discussed their ideas for the upcoming year. Part of their discussion focused on raising funds for future activities. The idea of collecting plastic bottle caps for donation was raised. Everyone agreed that this was a good idea and that this would be discussed more and planned throughout upcoming meetings. Additionally, MEC members expressed great interest in having more opportunities to spend time with exchange students from other countries who are studying at MWU. Some of the activities that were suggested included language exchange events, going out on local outings (hiking, outdoor activities, etc.), and enjoying seasonal festivals. Overall, the MEC members are very excited at the prospect of spending time with the international exchange students, and are looking forward to enjoying a rich and diverse cultural exchange. If you have an opportunity, please join us at the next event at lunchtime on May 10th.